Sunday, November 30, 2014

Corporate Life in RTP (Real-Time Pharma) - Scene 1, Act 1

When I started this blog, it was meant as a outlet for me to get things off my chest and it has developed into something a bit more entertaining. I want give a big Thanks to all that read my 'Crazy'! .... and this blog is still my outlet.

Speaking of CRAZY! I recently left a company to pursue a new opportunity (and I must admit the change was well overdue). So in this previous organization, I attended a meeting before my exit, where a member of the Executive Management team for my department was speaking. This person was speaking about recent promotions and why decisions were made. So, this Executive person recently promoted several people on our team - all non-American born - and each possessed accents from their native land. The explanation given for these promotions was:

"This gives our clients the impression that we are a global company [during conference calls]."

One of these people promoted, I trained, as this person was new to the industry - and was now the person I reported to - WTF! On the day of this meeting, I realized that no matter what I do for this company; for this department; for my team - my worth just went down the toilet because I am an American with a mid-western accent. After the meeting I sat at my desk and could not do anymore work for the day. I could not believe this person opened their mouth and made that statement (with a fucking smile)!

All I can say is, if you enjoyed this little snippet from my work-life, get ready because the shit gets better and funnier.  There are some dumb-asses running corporate america - just a comedy show in waiting!

Peace be with you!

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Sweetness of Weakness

Recently, while at a gas station in Morrisville, NC, I made a purchase and mentioned to the cashier (an older Asian gentleman) that the purchase was one of my weaknesses. He blushed a smile and said, "never tell a man your weaknesses, he will mostly likely use it to his advantage." He winked and handed me my purchase. I  smiled back and thanked him for the advice. As I walked out of the station, I realized the truth in his words - although, York Peppermint Patties are not high on the list of weaknesses to manipulate me - there are some weaknesses I keep close to the vest and share ONLY when appropriate.

Two weaknesses pretty high on my list that I don't mind sharing include: watching Dr. Who (I am a die-hard Whovian!) and buying Italian leather shoes (size 38.5 or 39). Each of these are as sweet a pleasure as the York Peppermint Patties on my tongue. Yummy!

Every woman has a weakness... shoes, clothes, food, sex, money, significant other(s) or that pleasure spot on her [you insert the word].  Whatever it may be, it is that woman's burden to carry, beast to tame or pleasure to fulfill. My advice to women on weaknesses is to own it, acknowledge it and know your limits. If by chance you happen to find yourself in a situation involving a high-level weakness, be a GOOD GIRL and set conditions early so you'll have control on the progression of events. Remember a weakness can become a slippery slope towards an addiction.

Good Girls:

Addicted Official Trailer: